About this audience
Based on first-party data
This audience is generated based on the respondents of Solsten’s AI-based assessment including companies that use our Traits product. All data is derived from premium sourced first-party data.
Learn about TraitsPeople who prefer the Retail experience
The Retail audience consists of 169,242 individuals collected from around the world.
Why these people like Retail
Personality traits
Solsten’s personality traits reveal this audience’s enduring behaviors, cognition, and emotional patterns.
Values describe the core principles that shape an audience's sense of what is important in life.
Solsten measures intrinsic motivators rooted in clinical psychology, ensuring confidence in how to drive this audience to take action or pursue a goal.
The most impactful traits that drive people to Retail arecombination of their top motivators, perso.
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Top recommendations for this audienceAI recommendations
Solsten’s recommendations are always derived from premium sourced first-party data via scientifically validated instruments developed in-house.
AI recommendations
Solsten’s recommendations are always derived from premium sourced first-party data via scientifically validated instruments developed in-house.
Tailored to the Retail audience
Competitors and target audience opportunitiesIdentify target audiences with similar psychology, interests, and demographics to explore competition, partnerships, product opportunities, and market expansion.
Identify target audiences with similarity to Retail.
Audiences sorted by Likemindedness share attitudes, preferences, and behaviors, enabling easier messaging, efficient marketing, and higher engagement.
Graph view settings
Audiences sorted by Likemindedness share attitudes, preferences, and behaviors, enabling easier messaging, efficient marketing, and higher engagement.
Total addressable market (TAM):734M people like Retail.
Total addressable market (TAM):184M people like both General and Retail.
Total addressable market (TAM):734M people like Retail.
Total addressable market (TAM):73M people like both Specialty Stores and Retail.
Total addressable market (TAM):734M people like Retail.
Total addressable market (TAM):129M people like both Home Improvement & Furniture and Retail.
Total addressable market (TAM):734M people like Retail.
Total addressable market (TAM):130M people like both Department Stores and Retail.
Total addressable market (TAM):734M people like Retail.
Total addressable market (TAM):274M people like both Online Retail and Retail.
Total addressable market (TAM):66M people like Supermarkets.
Total addressable market (TAM):734M people like Retail.
Total addressable market (TAM):64M people like both Supermarkets and Retail.
What defines this audience
The psychographics, behaviors, and preferences of the Retail audience.
Sorting scores by their percentile rank, showing how this value compares to others. (i.e. this score is higher than X% of the scores in the dataset)